Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Cars in Blade Runner 2049 Range From Weird To Awesome

by Kirby Garlitos , on July 22, 2017, 18:00

If you're like those people who have a soft spot in their hearts for the neo-noir classic Blade Runner, then you're probably counting down the days to October 7, 2017, when the long-awaited sequel – seriously, it's been 35 years! – of the cult movie hits cinemas. It's called Blade Runner 2049, and as you might expect, it takes place in the year 2049. I'm pretty sure that producers had to adjust the date for the movie considering the setting for the original Blade Runner movie took place in 2019. That'd be 18 months from now.

In any event, I'm not here to talk about the movie itself but the vehicles that are in the movie, or at least those that we spotted in the trailers. Since this is a movie set in the future, there's plenty of high-tech flying vehicles in it, not to mention some spiffy-looking rides that still feature some of today's styling cues. Who knew that scissor doors would still be in vogue 32 years from now, right? Better yet, it does look like the Lamborghini Aventador has aged well, hasn't it? It's apparently become so iconic that the cars of 2049 still use it as inspiration for their designs. There's plenty more where that came from, too, since the latest Blade Runner 2049 trailer doesn't seem to run out of "Jetsonian" rides.

Continue after the jump to read the full story.

Some of the rides in Blade Runner 2049

Since we're going to use the second trailer, might as well start with the first few seconds in it where we see Ryan Gosling's character, Officer K, inside what looks to be his Blade Runner patrol car. We only see shots of Gosling inside the car, but we do see a clearer picture of his ride-of-choice at the 51-second mark. First of all, long live the scissor door! Second of all, the side profile of that rear end has Lamborghini written all over it, which begs the question, "is that what Lamborghini is going to look like in 2049?" It's doubtful because the car actually has just three wheels. Unless Lamborghini somehow ends up changing its logo into a three-legged bull, I don't fancy that being something the Italian automaker would build three decades from now.

Now let's go back to the first parts of the trailer to the 15-second mark where Gosling's character is walking in what appears to be a deserted military base. Up on the far end of the shot is a vehicle that looks like some kind of six-wheeled, tube-like rover. That or it's probably a futuristic yet unpainted Weinermobile. Hard to say because it's a little too far for my eyes.

Skip forward to the 40-second mark and we get our first glimpse of a flying car! It's unclear as to what make and model that car is, but it's likewise reassuring the know that the cars of 2049 still make use of two headlights and the taillights at the back are still red in color. It's still, in the words of James May, a "proper" car, albeit one that actually flies. While I'm on the subject of flying cars, check out 1:02 part of the trailer. Do you see it? Yes, empty highways! Who knew the cure to the road cancer that's traffic would be to make cars fly. I'm pretty sure Leonardo da Vinci already thought of that 500 or so years ago.

At the 1:14 mark is another shot of a part of a car that appears to be in pretty bad shape. Could that be a 2025 Jeep that's living its dying days in a junk yard? There's a shot of its headlights in the 1:16 mark and I'm more convinced than ever that it's a Jeep. Round headlights, folks!

The next car we see is in the 1:40-minute mark of the trailer where Gosling's three-wheeled, Lambo-inspired patrol car gets smashed to bits by a flying car that I assume is the Cadillac of the future. Who knows, maybe Studebaker somehow returns in the 2030s and has transformed itself into the go-to flying car of choice among the baddies of that era. Hard to tell from the shot, but I'm not opposed to seeing Studebaker come back from the dead.

The 1:44 and 2:08 marks of the trailer shows more flyings cars of unknown origin. Special shout out though to the massive Atari sign in the 2:08 clip. It's back, ladies and gentlemen!

As we draw closer to the end of the trailer, we see what presumably would be what traffic would look like in 2049 as three flying cars with zip through the air in an orderly fashion. This happens at 2:12 minutes in, too, just a few seconds before we're treated to a rather spacious interior of a car we end up seeing from the outside at 2:19. I'm not quite sure what that car is, but that cabin looks especially comfortable and the all-glass roof adds a nice charm to it. Then again, it looks like a pretty important car since Harrison Ford's character, Rick Deckard (the OG Blade Runner), is in it.

So there you have it. Excited for Blade Runner 2049 yet?

Source: YouTube - Blade Runner

Source: The Cars in Blade Runner 2049 Range From Weird To Awesome

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